Friday, August 31, 2012

August Self Portrait

This month has been all about getting ready for Emma's arrival.  Funny how different it is getting ready for Baby Number One versus Baby Number Two.  The nursery for B1 is ready and waiting long before the due date.  Everything is in it's place, clothes are washed, crib is made, decorations are perfectly placed on the walls.

Then B2 comes along and somehow time slips away from you and all of the sudden she is due to arrive in 3 weeks and you are not even close to being ready.  Clothes are not washed, crib mattress still hasn't arrived, and the walls are bare bones. 

It's not because we care any less about B2, it's just that with another child already here to look after, you just can't devote the time to getting the nursery ready that you could with B1.  And that fact makes every Mama feel guilty.  I want Emma to have a beautiful room like Addy does.  I just need more hours in the day.

That is where my wonderful sister came in.  She came down to visit over the past few days and helped out a lot with Addy so that I could at least get started with Emma's nursery.  So here's a little glimpse at what I've been up to:

Painting mirrors, letters, and shadowboxes

I think the "E" turned out so cute :)
I'm no expert at DIY projects, and clearly painting was no exception.  I'm just hoping that no one looks too closely at my handiwork, because you will see uneven paint on the letter, little paintbrush bristles that somehow came off and got stuck in the mirror, and drips of paint running down the sides of the shadowboxes. 
 It's not perfect, but it was all created with love.  Your room will be cute Emma.... It just might take me until after you are born to finish it :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

19 Months!

Dear Adilyn Marie,

Let me just say, the fact that you are a toddler and no longer a baby is becoming more and more apparent every day.  You are developing quite a little mind of your own, which is both exciting and challenging. 

You never cease to make us laugh with your funny expressions, mimicking, dancing, and playing.  You love "helping", and it's fun to watch how proud you are of yourself when you do.  You clap and cheer, and it's the cutest thing ever!  You dole out hugs and kisses like it's your job, and nothing brings a smile to our faces faster than a kiss from our little lady. 

On the other hand....

You are figuring out that you don't have to listen to what we say.  You are too smart for your own good already.  I find times when I ask you to do something (like bring me a spoon) and you deliberately, slowing start walking in the other direction, while looking at me the whole time.  Just waiting for my reaction.  Daddy and I are very firm with our expectations, but you are testing the limits already, at the ripe old age of a year and a half.  The temper tantrums have begun when you don't get your way, and at this point we just ignore you and usually your tantrums last only a minute or two.  Sigh.  We're in for it, I think.  We have started discussing punishments and we're trying to figure out the best way to do that for a one and a half year old child.  Ahh, the joys of parenting are only just beginning :)

Now with all of that being said, for the most part you are a very obedient child.  You usually listen well, share with others as well as can be expected at this age, and you have a generally calm demeanor.  In fact, every time you play with other children, I am reminded that your occasional defiance is normal.  For the most part you are a little doll, and you play very well with other kids. 

People actually often comment on how well behaved you are for such a young age.  It's funny because at a recent play date you threw your first tantrum outside of this house.  One of the moms looked at you and laughed and then said to me, "So she is a real girl!  I've always wondered how a child that age could be so well behaved all the time!""  Anyway, Daddy and I are just trying to nip any bad behavior in the bud, because we know how quickly it can spiral out of control. 

Speaking of tantrums, you threw your first tantrum in public the other day too.  Fun times, as any parent can attest to.  The three of us had a little family excursion to Babies R Us to buy a mattress and a few other things for Emma.  In general, you were a mess the whole time, and even snacks didn't make you any happier.  I was just so glad that Daddy was there too, because he entertained you while I did the shopping.  But at one point something didn't go your way (I think I broke your cracker in half and you wanted it whole) and you melted face first into the Babies R Us floor, screaming bloody murder.  Daddy and I just stood there not knowing what to do for a second.  Who was this child???  Not our little Addy Marie.  Anyway, we wrapped up that shopping trip STAT and high tailed it out of there.  It's tough to run errands with you at this age, because you are too young to really understand what we are doing, but you are old enough to know that you don't want to be doing it!  Ha ha!

One of the things that really sets you off these days is when I deny your request for me to hold you. You know that something is up, because recently you want to be held, by me, all of the time. And since I am currently 8 months pregnant with "Emmy" (as you call her), I cannot pick 25 pound you up all day long.  And you lose your mind when I don't.  It's heartbreaking seeing your little tear strained face looking up at me with your arms extended saying, "Hold, hold."  But soon enough you will learn that you need to share Mama's attention.  It will probably be "interesting" for awhile until you are used to it.

Now, onto more fun topics!

You are really starting to learn your family members names, and calling them by name, like Mama, Dada, Pap, "T" (Aunt Tina), "Luke" (Luca), and "La" (Aunt Lauren). Grandma and Grandpa are much harder to say, but I swear that you said Grandpa (or something similar to it) once while we were Skyping with Grandpa Hertzler.

Your vocabulary is getting bigger every day, and you mimic almost any words that we say.  Ever since we went to the beach you really love helicopters and boats.  Those are two of your favorite words and your favorite things to look for.  It's just too bad that you don't see either of those things very much when we're not at the beach ;)  Your other favorite words is "Nope".  You will deliberately do something that you know you aren't supposed to do and then look at us and say, "Nope."  Or you will ask for something that you know you can't have and immediately follow it up with "Nope", before we even have a chance to tell you "no".  Like I said, you are too smart for your own good.

As far as a haircut....

In your words, "Nope."  It's coming though, I promise ;)

Here you are with your new favorite accessories, your purses.  In this picture you have one in each hand :)

You are truly a toddler with your eating habits these days.  One day you will love a certain food, and the next day you won't touch it.  It's frustrating, but we know that it comes with the territory, so we just keep offering healthy foods, whether or not you eat them.  But you do consistently love fruit!  Especially melons like watermelon and cantaloupe.  You would live off of "lopes" alone if we let you! 

But you definitely love ice cream!  Any kind.  Popsicles, ice cream, Italian ice, frozen yogurt.  You love it all.  Recently there have been those "fill your cup yourself" frozen yogurt places popping up everywhere, and this family has definitely been taking advantage of them this summer!

As far as potty training....

Another "nope".  This is where you prefer to poop.  In private, under a table. Word on the street is that I also used to do this when I was your age.  Ha ha!  Like mother, like daughter I guess ;)

The park is still one of your favorite places and you really love the swings :)

Some of our greatest days are those when all three of us are together.  You are inevitably super happy all day when Daddy and I both have off and we all hang out together.  It doesn't matter what we are doing, as long as we're all together.  For example, in this picture we are going to get the car battery changed, ha ha!  But honestly, everyday moments like those, spent with our little family just make my heart burst with happiness and thankfulness for the wonderful life that I have been blessed with.

Recently you have learned how to put your shapes back in the box in the right spot, which was exciting to watch.  You get a very determined look on your face, and just the other day you got all of them in with no help from me! 

You are learning colors and can often pick out the colors that we say.  But if we hand you an object and ask you what color it is, you inevitably say "blue".  And just like any color is "blue", any number is "two" ;)  But you are great at pointing out objects that we ask you to find, and that is an especially fun game with your little disposable place mats that we take with us when we go out to dinner.  They are filled with fun pictures and you love to find all of the things that we ask you to look for.  When you do, of course, you clap for yourself.  So, so cute!

We have fully transitioned you to one nap a day, but it instead seems as though you went from 2 naps a day to none.  Because I would say that half the time, you don't sleep at all.  Or you sleep for 10-15 minutes and you're done.  I keep you up there in your crib for at least an hour regardless of whether or not you sleep, because you need some down time in your day....and so does Mommy. ;)  But I will often be watching you in the video monitor and see things such as this:

Ha ha!  Sounds like you are saying "Reach, reach!" 
The upside to your essentially nonexistent naps these days is that you are sleeping for an exceptionally long time overnight.  We put you to bed between 7-7:30PM and you have been sleeping until between 8:30 and 9AM!  That's 13-14 hours of sleep!  I try to get up in the 6:00 hour so that I have some downtime to leisurely enjoy my breakfast and coffee before our day together begins.  This is also when I write these blog posts :)
Although this stage has it's share of challenges, you continue to bring us daily joy and hours of laughter.  Your smile is infectious and your laugh is the sweetest sound I've ever heard.  We love to watch you dance and sing and play.  You are such a little ham, and you thrive when the attention is focused on you. 
Adilyn Marie, you are Mommy and Daddy's pride and joy.  You are so gentle and loving.  I know you will be a wonderful big sister to this lucky lady in my belly.  Watching you learn and grow is truly one of the greatest joys of my life.  Mommy and Daddy love you so, so much!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby Shower!

A few weeks ago my friends at work threw Regina and I a combined baby shower to welcome our second babies into the world.  It was such a sweet gesture, especially because we are both pregnant for the second time, and baby showers for Baby #2 are not all that common.  But my friend Sarah, who organized it, said that every baby should be celebrated :)  I am so lucky to have such sweet friends and co-workers!
The shower was held at a restaurant in Chapel Hill near work, and we had our own little room up on the second level.  Sarah did such a great job decorating and making it beautiful!
Gift table

Personalized menu!

Me and Regina

All four of us pregnant PICU peeps :) 
It's funny because these three girls are my closest friends at work and we are all pregnant at the same time and due within 2 months of each other!

Gift time!

They gave me one of the flower arrangements to bring home.  Aren't they gorgeous???
I can't believe that Emma will be here in about a month!  Time sure does fly.  Before we know it, this Hetrick house will be a family of five (including Daisy, of course!).  Here's to Baby Emma!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer Beach Vacation: Take One

Last week our family headed east to Topsail Beach for the week with Mike's family.  We rented a house with his parents and his sister, her husband, and her son (who is only 2 weeks younger than Addy).  It was a fun, albeit slightly chaotic, time had by all.  I'll tell you what: vacationing with young children is no joke.  And vacationing with young children while eight months pregnant is really no joke.  Add in the nasty head cold that I had while we were there and (as Mike so nicely worded it), I was incompatible with life for a little while. ;)

But as the week wore on, the cold started going away and we all settled into our little beach week routine.  Of course it must be mentioned that Mike then caught that nasty bug, and he was feeling pretty crummy for awhile too.  Miraculously no one else in the house got it, despite us all being together in close quarters for a week.  Thank goodness!

Anyway, onto more fun topics.  Like the beach :)

Throwing the ball with Pap

Viewing the ocean from afar in the safety of Grandma's arms

Playing in the sandcastle that Grandma made :)

Here is where Addy preferred to be: under the umbrella.
I'll be honest.  Our little lady was not a fan of the beach.  We would go through all the work to get her ready to go down there, and tote along all of the junk that you have to bring for little kids, and then she'd last for maybe an hour before she was over it.  Some days not even that long.  I told her she better change her tune, and quick, because you cannot be a part of this family and not love the beach.  Period.  ;)
But she hated to be sandy, and every time she got sand on her hands she inevitably rubbed her eyes.  Not to mention that she usually ended up with sunscreen in her eyes at some point as well.  She was fairly content to sit in her little beach chair for awhile, but don't you dare try to take her near the "O-sh" as she called the ocean.  I have never seen anything like it.  She literally started hyperventilating every time we brought her down to the ocean.  Even being held, she wanted no parts of it.  She would point back to the blanket frantically saying "Walk. Back. Walk. Back."  It was pitiful.  I know that it's just her age, and of course the ocean is a loud, intimidating thing to a child that age.  I have visions of Addy a few years from now running and splashing in the waves having the time of her life.  Right Addy?  You WILL become a beach bum like the rest of us.  Got it??
Now, Luca on the other hand, LOVED the beach and the ocean.  I mean those two kiddos couldn't have been more opposite on that account.  Where as Addy was terrified and hyperventilating, Luca had no fear at all and went flying into those waves full force!
Heading down to the ocean with Mom and Dad
What did I tell you?  This kid loves the ocean!!

Family photo :)
Checking out the boats on the pier with Pap and Grandma

Boats, boats, boats.  Addy was obsessed with finding boats on this trip!  She loved looking out the windows of our house at the ocean and looking for boats.  Boats and "helicops".  That girl loves her moving vehicles!  To this day, over a week later, she thinks that every loud noise she hears is a helicopter.  From trucks driving by... "Helicop!", to the washer and dryer running.... "Helicop!"  It's comical and cute, but the poor thing hasn't seen an actual helicopter since we've been home from the beach.
One of our missions on this vacation was to get pictures of these kiddos in the adorable little Scottish outfits that Pap and Grandma got them on their vacation to Nova Scotia.  Check it out, both kids are smiling!  Addy is stretching out, getting ready for her photo shoot.  They were both in a pleasant mood, so we thought it might be easy to grab some photos.  HA HA HA HA!  You'll see....

I took a couple of Addy by herself while Lauren was getting Luca ready, but I couldn't really get any smiles out of her.  Then, all of the sudden I captured this gem...

I LOVE IT!!!  Definitely in the top ten favorite pictures of Addy!  How did it happen, you ask?  Just guess.  Guess who walked up behind me while I was snapping away.  Yup.  Daddy to the rescue!  That girl lights up like a firefly when her Daddy is around :)

So, it was all worth it because I got this one amazing picture!

Once Luca was all ready we decided to head to the beach for their little photo shoot.  Mistake Number 1.  It was so windy that day and it was like a sandstorm down there.  So of course Addy got sand in her eyes and we were there for all of 5 minutes before we turned around and went home.  But while Mike was trying to deal with Addy's sandy face, I snapped a few pics of Luca and Elmo :)


And here's Addy....
Doesn't she just look thrilled to be there all covered with sand?  Ha ha!
My attempts to get pictures of them together at the beach failed miserably.  Keep in mind though that all of these beach shots were taken in a matter of 5-10 minutes.


This picture makes me laugh...
We told them to give each other a kiss.  Luca is leaning in and Addy looks like she's thinking, "You are sandy, I am sandy.  Back off."  Ha ha!
And here is my next succession of pictures....


Oh my!!  Sandy mess doesn't even begin to cover it!  But don't worry.... Daddy came to the rescue!

"Oh thank goodness!"

"What happened Addy?"
"Um, I don't know.  All of the sudden I am very sandy."

So, that ended the beach photo shoot.  We were heading back to our house and saw this bench and thought we'd give it a quick try.
Addy can hardly open her eyes, she's so sandy.  Luca is telling her it will be OK....

Addy's not buying it.

"Someone pick me up!!!"
So we took Addy out of the equation and snapped a few pics of this little guy :)

Tried to get a quick family photo, but even this little trooper was pretty over the whole photo shoot by this point.
So we headed home.  Addy Marie led the way, sprinting back to the house.
The next day we headed back to the beach, since it was a much prettier, not windy day :) 

Addy got in a little bit of light reading...

And here is a picture of everyone where they are most comfortable. 

 Debbie reading in the sun.
Mike laying under the umbrella, beer resting casually on the belly ;)
And Addy Marie sitting on her chair under the umbrella....far, far away from the ocean.

Luca with his mama :)

And Addy with her mama :)
This was our last day at the beach.  It was gorgeous and the kids had a lot of fun that day.  Overall we made some progress with Addy by the end of the week as far as liking the beach was concerned.  On this last day she played happily for a long time.  But notice how close we are to the dunes.... meaning we are far away from the ocean.  I even tried to entice her to come down to the ocean by bringing my Italian ice down there to eat.  And we all know that Popsicles are Addy's favorite thing.  Nope.  She followed me about halfway down to the ocean and then she sat down.  And then she turned around and headed back to the blanket.  Even the lure of Italian ice wouldn't make her go near the ocean.  Ha ha!
So that was a glimpse of our first beach vacation of the summer.  It was a lot of fun watching Addy and Luca play together that week.  They don't get to see each other nearly enough, and I know they both had so much fun having a playmate all week.  Addy would wake up in the mornings pointing out the bedroom door saying "Luke!!"  She was ready to play!!  She still asks for "Luke", and points to pictures of little boys and says "Luke".  It's so cute!  I wish they could see each other more often.  Maybe someday :)
I can't believe in less than a week we are headed back to the beach for Summer Beach Vacation number 2!!!