Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Isabelle: 2 Years Old!

Dear Iz Biz,

Holy cow you are 2 years old!!! You never cease to amaze us with your incredible vocabulary,  and now you are about to start preschool!  I know you are so ready and I can't wait to see you thrive!  We were in Ocean City for your birthday and you had lots of fun!  You are such a busy bee these days!  Here are some videos from your birthday:

So there's a little glimpse into your two-year-old self 😊😊.  Moana is definitely your current favorite movie.  You call Daddy Maui and he calls you Moana.  It's very sweet.  And, as you can see in that last video, wearing other people's shoes is one of your favorite activities.

One of the funniest things that you've said lately was at Ocean City (as relayed to me by Daddy).  You were pushing around an ottoman and you couldn't get it to go where you wanted it to go, so you sighed in exasperation and stated, "I hate this job!"  You are such a character!

You enjoyed the beach trip, but remain pretty darn scared of the ocean.  You would be just as content staying in the condo I think 😉.  But we kept trying, and you got a lot better by the end of the week.

You do love the pool though, and you have absolutely no fear there!

We got to go to Ocean City twice in one month this year!  The first time was for our weekend trip that we take just the five of us, and the second trip was the one that fell over your birthday and was a whole week long with Aunt Tina, Uncle Jay, Grandma with Kayla, and Great-Grandma and Great-Pop.

The one night when we were there just the five of us, Daddy took the big girls to the Boardwalk and you and I headed home to bed.  I was very pregnant with Reagan and was just as tired as you were 😉.

You are very lucky that your sister's spoil you and cater to your every need.  We might as well call the beach, "Izzy's spa":

And there it is.  That skeptical look you get right before you reassure yourself and say, "The ocean's not gettin' me.  It's not gettin' me." 😂

Uncle Jay will protect you Biz.

Aunt Tina will save you too 😉.

And, as always, so will Daddy 💓.

There is something about this picture.  I just love it. 💓

Here's you and Grandma:  Love these too!

We made the makeshift shower curtain pool for you, and you were satisfied with that this year.

Your sister's tried to entice you into the ocean.  You had fun there for a few minutes.  I know it won't be long until we can't pry you out of the ocean 😊.

Here was your sleeping arrangement at the beach (minus your sisters 😉).  Yup, a pack and play in Grandma and Grandpa's closet.  And it was perfect.  I'm glad you're still in that stage where we can put you anywhere 😂.

You had your two year checkup right after the beach and here were your stats:

Weight: 26lbs 8oz (48th percentile)
Height: 2' 9.75" (56th percentile)
BMI: 16.36 kg/m2 (49th percentile)

You are growing right on target, and you had your last ortho checkup at two years old!  Your hips look completely normal now, and you don't need to be followed by ortho anymore!  Hooray!

You are sleeping wonderfully, about 7:30pm-7:30am with one (about 2 hour) nap during the day.
You are starting to get picky with food, but we knew that was coming.  You are such a ham and you love to make people laugh.  No one can meet you without loving you.  There's not a shy bone in your body and I love that about you!  The amount of times I hear from people, "That Izzy.  I just love her!!"  It's so true.  You reign people in with your vocab, your comedy, and your love of the spotlight.

Here are some more photos from when you turned 2:

When did you turn into a little girl???

This pic is so you!

Iz Biz, I love you to the moon!  To know you is to love you.  You are feisty, fun, and full of life!  Our lives are certainly never boring (or quiet) with you around.  You make every day an adventure. Happiest of second birthdays to you!!

