Saturday, March 23, 2013


A few weeks ago Mike's sister came down with her two sons to visit with us for a few days.  Addy and Luca absolutely adore each other (they are only 2 weeks apart in age), and it was our first time meeting the family's newest addition, Santino, so we were super excited!

It was a great few days spent with all of the kiddos (minus that rampant GI bug that hit, of course).  Watching Addy and Luca play together is so much fun, and they are each other's favorite playmate (even though we don't see them very often!), which is awesome.

Now, if I thought taking pictures of just Addy was tough, let's try four children age two and below:

This was the best that we could do, and there were many others before this one....

We have the Emmy face plant:

 I can still hear Addy now, "What's wrong with this baby?"

But they all sat there for a brief moment, so I guess that's all we could ask for :)

We tried to get a few of just Addy and Luca, thinking that would be a little easier.  Ha!

But eventually, I got one!

The babies:


And sisters: (This one totally cracks me up!)

Yes, getting pictures of these four was no easy task, and we of course have no perfect ones, but sometimes the out takes are the best ones.  They are definitely the funniest!

1 comment:

  1. Hahah these are so funny - the one with Emmy face planting made me laugh so hard! She looks terrified in so many of them!
