Some drinks in the pool? Don't mind if we do :)
Selfie Sunday
Emma loved to strap on her floaty and just bob along in the water :)
And.... jump!
Fun times with the ladies :)
A little pool volleyball action
One of the coolest things about having our own pool was that since the girls spent soooo much time in there that week, we could really see Addy progressing, even over that short time. Here are some videos:
Head under water for the first time on her own!
First time jumping in the pool without someone to catch her!
Heck, she even swam (a short distance) without her life vest by the end of the week!!!
Even Emmy got in on the action!
Tina got some good pool photos too:
One pool princess
Second pool princess
Daddy's girls :)
View of our house
Anyway, despite the millions of pool photos and videos, we did go to the beach that week too, ha ha!
The girls got a big kick out of playing "Ice Bucket Challenge"
They even got brave and let Tina and I take them "way out" in the ocean!
And a beach trip with toddlers wouldn't be complete without getting sand EVERYWHERE!
Here's some of Tina's photos:
And a video of the girls playing at the beach:
Some other random photos:
Grandma and Grandpa D watched the girls so that the six of us could go out to eat. It was AWESOME!
This girl loves her Wonder Woman costume!
Beers and lunch in the cabana :)
They had some 3D movies at this place and one of the few that they had was The Lion King, the girls current fave. So we saw a lot of The Lion King that week ;) The background of this pic accurately depicts an average afternoon in the house. Girls watching the movie, Tina on her computer, Jim working on the puzzle, and Mom in the kitchen. (And me taking millions of pictures of course.)
And we couldn't complete the week without an awesome photo shoot by Tina:
And in come the girls for some photo shoot action! We got some really good ones of them!
Emmy just wanted to run...
When we asked her to sit, this is what happened...
But somehow, Tina managed to get an awesome one (that is now a canvas on our wall!).
After the shoot we headed out for dinner and got an updated mother/daughters photo. Love :)
So there was our week at the beach, summed up in about a million and one photos. Love these times with family. Nothing beats it :)
Such a great week! I want to go back!