My sweet middle child, you are growing up so fast! You are the sweetest, happiest, most carefree little lady and you warm my heart on a daily basis. All of these years later and we still say that you live in your own happy little Emmy world. (Although these days you don't let us call you Emmy because you have an Emmy in your class. We are to call you Emma Jane. Yes Ma'am.) You are often kind of oblivious to what is going on, and I'm constantly telling you to look me in the eyes and focus on what I'm telling you, ha ha. Because so often when you aren't following directions it's truly because you weren't even paying attention. I'm telling you, you live in your own world and you're happy there :)
I have to include this video from your party. You were loving everyone singing to you and your silly self came out in full force! I love it!
What a difference a year makes!
Your second birthday Your third birthday
You are content to play alone, and you're able to entertain yourself for a long time, which is sooooo very different from your big sister who needs to be entertained at all times. Sometimes when I'm home alone with you I forget that you are even there!
You love Paw Patrol and still adore all things Frozen. In fact, the ONE thing you asked Santa for was "Frozen undies", ha ha. You also like playing with girly things like purses, jewelry, and lipstick. Pretend lipstick only. You still have an issue with eating Chapstick. Side note: Chapstick was the number one thing you asked for last year for Christmas. So, Chapstick last year, underwear this year. You are pretty easy to please ;)
You have fun at school, although you don't like when you are corrected for misbehavior, and you cross your little arms and pout. And apparently you tell Mrs. Michalyszn that you don't like her and you're not coming back to school. We'll have to work on that ;) But then five minutes later you're totally fine and every day after school you run up to me and tell me that you had so much fun. You are quite a sensitive little thing, and you're always concerned that people are mad at you. The amount of times in a day that you look at me with those big pitiful eyes and ask, "Mommy are you mad at me?"'s heartbreaking. Most of the time I'm not even mad... but even if I'm mildly irritated you get so upset.
And at the ripe old age of three you know how to turn on the waterworks and make a big show. However, your tantrums have never even come close to matching those of your big sister. You throw fits once in awhile, but they are short lived and not too bad. But you have big shoes to fill in the tantrum department. Addy throws fits that are so epic it would be hard to match. Thank goodness.
Your demeanor is so different and dare I say, easier to manage than hers. You're a pretty go with the flow kind of girl. Sharing seems to come easily to you, and you still usually let Addy choose which thing she wants before you call dibs on yours. For example, plate and cup colors. Addy always picks one and then you shout out that you want the one she didn't pick. Again, thank goodness. You are a sweetheart through and through. I never have to worry about how you'll behave when we're out and about because you are almost always just fine.
I do wish we could expand your palate a little bit and get you to eat better, or even just eat more. You don't eat veggies and now you won't even eat fruit. I mean, what kid doesn't like fruit?? And meat? Forget it. So it's carbs and dairy for you. And Mommy and Daddy are as much to blame for that as you are. We are admittedly a bit weary since your baby sister came onto the scene, and often dinnertime becomes just whatever we can throw together that we know you and Addy will eat. But we'll keep working on it. You deserve to be taught healthy eating habits. And I will, I promise. As soon as I can get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time, I will focus on healthy eating. Until then, be glad you're being fed ;) Just kidding...kind of.
Speaking of baby sister, you were a little unsure about her at first, but you have come to adore her. You aren't always the gentlest with her, but you love to be with her and help her feel better when she's crying. And you beg to hold her, lasting all of 30 seconds once you do. Then you're ready to pawn her off so that you can go and play.
Let's talk about sleep for a minute. Sigh, you and Addy both fell asleep so quickly and easily when you had your own rooms. But now that you share... it has been rough. You two refuse to go right to bed and YOU are often the one to blame. You immediately get up and start jumping on the bed trying to get Addy to talk to you. I keep telling myself that one day the novelty of sharing a room will wear off, but that hasn't happened yet. At least once you fall asleep you sleep like a rock. You and Addy both wake up for the day in the 7:00 hour once your clock turns green (Greatest purchase ever, by the way.).
And you are a girl that loves your naps. Give you that precious purple blanket and your thumb and it's off to snooze land. And you have been known to nap for over 3 hours if you're really tired! And then sometimes when you wake up you just sit in your bed sucking your thumb. I'll ask you via the monitor if you'd like to come downstairs and you'll respond that your clock isn't green, ha ha. Still haven't quite figured out the difference between nap time and bedtime.
Potty training-wise you were such a breeze. You were potty trained during the day before you turned 2.5 and then by the summer you were potty trained at night as well. All before you even turned 3. We had a blissful few months with no one in diapers or pull ups... and now we're starting over with your baby sister ;)
All was well at your 3 year check-up and here were your stats:
Weight: 29 lbs (31st percentile)
Height: 38 inches (71st percentile)
BMI: 14.1 (7th percentile)
You are a tall, skinny little thing :)
You love to sing and dance and your smile truly lights up my heart. Whenever I'm leaving you say, "Kisses and hugs!!!" and you run over to me on your little twinkle toes, throw your arms around me and say, "I love you mama!" My sweet little Emma Jane. Speaking of twinkle toes, I wonder if you'll grow up to be a ballerina? Because you walk and run on your toes 90% of the time. So much so that it concerns daddy. He's afraid you're going to end up with shortened calf muscles and you'll need surgery to correct it one day. He's forever telling you to "walk on your flat feet". But you remain our twinkle-toed princess :)
Here are some photos from the past few months:
The first of what I'm sure will be many bunk bed injuries
Happy-go-lucky girl during your little 50 yard dash races. You often come in dead last, but you don't care at all. You run the whole thing waving and smiling :)
Park bench sitting :)
You and Addy both love to play restaurant at your little kitchen.
Last day of school. You have started to love being silly for photos :)
Oh my gosh the Wonder Woman outfit. You used to wear this thing every day. When you started your obsession with it, it came all the way down to your toes (See the first photo, when you weren't even two yet.) Now it is calf length, and before I know it it'll be above your knees! You are growing up right before my eyes!!
Watching Addy's soccer game. (That bunk bed injury stuck around for awhile.)
I love the way you are looking up at Addy and holding her hand. Precious moment :)
Fun in the preschool parking lot while Addy learns to ride her bike
Playing in our new and improved backyard :)
Picking blueberries... or dumping them ;)
A weekend at the lake :)
Picking flowers along our walk :)
Bowling! I love the expressions on both of your faces!
We love Chik Fila!
Pool fun!
Love this one too! Our little impromptu family beach weekend will always hold a special place in my heart :)
Nothing better than a nap on the beach :)
Hershey Park Happy! (This photo was taken before you fell off of the seat as the ride was moving and you were crying so hard they had to stop the ride to let you off!)
Ride em' Em
Your new do!
First day of 3-year-old Preschool!
Happy third birthday to my silly monkey!!!
Emma, you are such a ray of sunshine and I thank heaven for you every single day. I can always count on you for a hug and a smile. You are a silly little girl who loves to make everyone laugh. The days can be long sometimes, but you make each and every one a little sweeter and I love you for that :) My little monk monk, I love you to the moon and back!
Another wonderful blog! Emmy (sorry, Emma Jane!), is the sweetest thing!