Thursday, July 20, 2017

Isabelle: 23 Months!

Dear Iz Biz,

You are almost 2 years old!  I cannot believe it!  You are so vocal, and just like your sisters, you never stop talking, so Daddy and I are always entertained.  People have started asking you when your birthday is and you respond, "I'm one.  Two in August."  It's so hilarious hearing you spout that out, like you have all of your months down pat at not even two years of age.

You love to make people laugh (including yourself) and you usually get a giggle when you say, "Are you kiddin' me?" or "I'm just kiddin'".  Another of your sayings that always makes people laugh is when you call their name and then follow it up with "Never mind."  These things are just so funny coming out of a one-year-old's mouth.

You have made up a few of your own words too that you have distinct meanings for.  The one that comes to mind is "Chugga chugga."  That means etc, etc.  You even do the hand motions to go with it.  And use it in correct context.  I love it!

You love Chik Fila and have started voicing your desire to go there All. The. Time.  Multiple times a day we hear, "I wanna go to Chik Fila."  Or you'll grab your purse and say, "See ya later.  I'm goin' to Chik Fila!"  I know I wrote about that last month too, but your love of that place runs strong.

We went to the beach in June with Pappy, Meemaw, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Alex, Luca, and Tino.  Let's just say the beach isn't your favorite place.... yet.  You will be forced to love it at some point or you won't fit in with this family ;)  Eventually you would agree to play in those little tidal pools, and I had to whip out my camera to video the momentous occasion of you playing in the ocean without screaming.

You do love the pool though and you have no fear of that whatsoever.  You love to just float and kick around with your floaty on.

When we first got to the beach you were hesitant, but willing to check out the ocean.  Then a wave came and knocked you over and you were done for the rest of the week.

This is how you spent most of the beach week:  Sitting in your spa seat made for you by your sisters, nervously keeping an eye on the ocean to be sure it wasn't gettin' you.

Once in awhile we could coerce you down to a tidal pool.  Here you and I are, relaxing and playing together:

Your big sisters are always there to protect you :)

Of course for all of the fun times, there are the meltdowns too:

 One of your recent favorite songs to sing is, "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed."  Here you are serenading us on the way home from the beach:

Your love of the park continues and you get so excited every time we go!

Here's your buddy Elliot.  He loves you hard, but he does love you, I promise ;)

We hit up Hershey Park on your 23 month birthday.  You loved it!
Hershey Park Happy

I managed to snag this group shot of us right before we called it quits for the day.  You guys were total troupers!

It's been a fun summer so far, and I can't wait to see what the rest of it holds.  Happy 23 months Bizzers!  We love you!



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