Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Topsail 2015

I'm so glad we were able to get a beach trip in this summer (even if we only got one... Boohoo, poor us, I know) before baby number 3 arrives.  And the trip went so incredibly well this year because, finally all four kids liked the beach!  Yup, that's right, for the first time all four children enjoying being down at the beach.  That alone made the trip a whole lot easier on the adults of the house.  I wish I would've gotten a picture of the four kids together at the beach, but you can only imagine how difficult that would've been, and in my pregnant state I just didn't have it in me to wrangle with them all.  I did however declare myself the official documenter of the week since I was unable to participate in a lot of the ocean fun.  I just took pics of everyone else playing :)

Day 1:
Here we are on our way down to NC.  We did the 4AM departure, just like we did last year, and true to form, the girls were then essentially up for the day.  They maybe slept from 5-5:45AM, but that's it... all day.  So yes, they were then in bed for the night promptly at 6:30PM.

Emmy and I trying on hats at the Cracker Barrel

As soon as we arrived at our beach house we headed straight to the beach for some playtime before the rest of the crew arrived.
Love, love, love this picture of Addy :)

And Emmy contented herself with filling up her little watering can and watering our feet... over and over and over again.  And this pregnant mama wasn't complaining :)

We even managed to get Addy in on the action...

Day 2:
A rare moment when all four kids were playing together :)

Our seventh wedding anniversary!  Happy anniversary to us!

Santino and Emma creating a masterpiece.

A pic of each kiddo enjoying their ocean time:

Lauren and Alex

Emma with her Godmother, Aunt Lauren :)

Mike and I getting ready to head out for our anniversary dinner, and of course the girls insisted on being in the picture.  I wouldn't have it any other way :)  And no, they did not join us for our romantic dinner.  We got the rare opportunity to go out just the two of us!

Day 3:

Silly Emmy :)

Love this picture of Addy and her best bud Luca :)

The ocean water was unseasonably warm, but poor delicate Emma was chilly ;)

Emma "saving" Addy.  "Addy, bab on!"  AKA, Addy grab on!

Love these bathing suits :)

I tried to get a picture of them giving each other a kiss.  Addy was game... Emma, not so much ;)

Our one and only Italian Ice that week.  My little "sweet"hearts were in heaven :)

Pool Time:
Flying Emma!

Flying Luca!

Addy and Tino jumping in!

Addy improved so much with her swimming.  Check her out swimming without her vest on!

Day 4:

Doing some kite flying :)

Addy and Luca, of course fighting over whose turn it is to fly the kite ;)

The ONLY picture of all four kids sitting together all week.  And it wasn't even taken by me.  Some documenter I am ;)  This is Lauren's picture.  Addy's cheesin', but the rest of the crew was too focused on the movie to worry about a photo op ;)

Day 5:

One of my favorites... Paul and Debbie with all four grandkids :)

Day 6:
The storm's blowing in...

...or so we thought.  It never reached us, and in no time we had skies like this...

Family photo... including little lady #3 in utero :)

Day 7:
Back to the watering can spa time :)

A rare moment of Addy snuggles for Daddy :)

Bathing beauties :)

And there was our 2015 beach trip as told by the photos :)  We had a great time, kids had a blast hanging out together all week, and it was a remarkably relaxing and uneventful trip... despite having four kids ages four and under (and one in utero).  Weeks like this are where memories are made.  There is truly nothing better than family time :)

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