Wednesday, February 29, 2012

13 Months!

Dear Addy,
I was debating whether to continue with these letters into your second year, but since you are still changing so much from month to month, I decided that I would.  That way I will always remember when you hit your milestones.

Here are some 13 month photos...without the signs, because you will not sit with the signs long enough to get a picture anymore!

The big milestone that you hit this past month was walking!  Yup, you are a full fledged walker now!  Like everything else that you do, once you started, it didn't take long for you to be an expert at it.  You have great balance and watching you toddle around is just the cutest thing ever!

Continuing on in the mobility category, you now go up and down the steps!  You went up the steps a few weeks ago, but when Mommy and Daddy were in Ireland last week, you learned to go back down the steps too!

You are learning so quickly, and now when you play with a toy phone you put it up to your ear and say "bye".  You still love to hug all of your stuffed animals, and your favorite toys this past month were probably all of your walking toys.

You love dogs, and every time a dog barks your little ears perk up and you imitate the sound.  "Woof!"  And when we ask you what sound a dog makes, you also respond with "Woof!"  It's so cute!

More big news from this past month is that you are officially done nursing.  I stopped nursing you a few days after your birthday, because I wanted to be done before I left for a week to go to Ireland.  And I have to say that you and I both took it pretty well.  I was nervous that I would be sad or that you would protest, but neither of those things happened.  It was the perfect time to stop.  I was ready, and you took it in stride and never complained. 

You love almost all of the finger foods that we give you (except green veggies) and feeding yourself is definitely what you prefer.  You often protest when we try to spoon feed you things like your cereal or your yogurt now.  I tried letting you use the spoon, but we are not quite there yet.  Soon enough you will be 100% feeding yourself I'm sure.

You are drinking water and whole milk throughout the day through a sippy cup, but I am always worried because you don't drink very much.  We are sometimes lucky if we can get you to drink one cup a day.  Then you have a bottle of whole milk before bed, which you drink way better than you do from your cup.  But you are getting better and better with the sippy cups, so I think we'll cut out the bedtime bottle very soon.

You really love books, which makes my heart happy.  I was a huge reader when I was a kid, and I'm thinking you will be too.  We've gotten back into the routine of reading you a book every night before bed and your attention span is really amazing with your books.

When I look at you now I really don't see a baby anymore.  It's probably because you are walking, but I see a small child; a toddler.  And I guess that makes sense, because that's what you are.  No longer our baby, you are now our little girl.  Every day with you is precious and new, and I can't wait to see what next month brings!

Mommy and Daddy missed you soooo much while we were in Ireland, and we were so excited to get back home to our Addy Marie!  You were super excited to see us too, which melted our hearts.  We love you all the way to the moon .... and back!



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Look Who's Walking!!!

In the past few weeks Addy has been making huge strides.... literally!

She went from this on Feb 4th:

To this on Feb 13th:

To this today:

What a big girl!!!

Birthday Bash! Part Two

Now that we've covered all of the decorations for Addy's first birthday party, here are some pics and videos of the party itself!

The boys are in the kitchen cooking.... of course.  Are you surprised?

Addy and Aunt Tina :)

Yup, Daddy gave her a bite of one of those donut snowmen, and naturally, she loved it!

Addy with Pap and Grandma Hetrick

Check out how she is gazing adoringly at her Daddy.  Love it :)

Addy with her Grandpa Hertzler and Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Hertzler

Just playing a little "Peek-a-boo Barn" on the I-Pad with Great-Grandma

Checking out her weekly pictures with Grandma Dougherty

Group shot...including those crazy dogs ;)

Lounging out :)

Sleepy girl

A typical situation ;)

Addy with Grandpa and Grandma Hertzler

Gift time!

Addy's favorite card was this singing Winnie the Pooh card from Grandpa and Grandma Hertzler

It's almost cake time!!!!

Happy Birthday Dear Addy!!

Happy Birthday to You!!

"Oooh what is this???"

"Ummm, ewww.  My hands are dirty!"

"Did you hear me???  MY HANDS ARE DIRTY!!!!"
(Ha ha, I think I made my poor little girl terrified of getting her hands dirty.  Hee hee!)

"Wait a minute.  This isn't so bad."

Clap clap!  "I like this!!"

Tried to get a family photo, but Addy was otherwise engaged ;)

Now we're digging in!!

That was delicious!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

"Don't mind me.  I'm just a baby playing in the nude."

"I love my new cars!"

"But here's the guy that I love best..."

"My Daddy"

What a great party you had, Addy!  We are so glad that everyone was able to travel the long way from PA to be here for Addy's first birthday.  It was a blast, and a party that we will never forget.  Thank you everyone for the memories!

Here are a few more videos from the day...

Happy first birthday Adilyn Marie!  We love you so, so many millions!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Addy's First Birthday Bash: Take One!

OK, so I know that I am a little bit behind in my blogging, but it's been a little rough around the Hetrick house lately and seems as though we are all under the weather at the same time.  Blah.  Earlier in the week I had a 24 hour stomach bug, that (thank goodness) Addy and Mike didn't get, but now we all seem to have whatever cold bug is going around.  So, anyway, I have been meaning to post about the party for weeks now and I am just getting to it.  (I also just got to the thank you notes, which are weeks late as well.  Ooops!)

Onto Addy's first birthday party!  All of the pics are courtesy of my awesome sister Tina, of course :)

I've decided to split this post into two parts since I have so many pics that I want to post.  This part will be dedicated to the party decor, and the next post will show the party itself :)

I feel the need to tell you in advance that I do realize I went overboard with this party, but #1, pinterest has so many darn good ideas that I wanted to use, and #2, I had a lot of fun doing it!

Be prepared to be bombarded with we go!

Chalkboard sign on the front door

The lollypops had little stickers that said Thank You, and I used them as decor/party favors.

The frame had a picture from the day she was born in the middle, and then a pic from each month of her life around the outside.  Of course, being the procrastinator that I am, I finished that frame the morning of the party.  Shhh, don't tell ;)

Outside decor, courtesy of Mike and Jay.  Thanks guys! 

Framed birthday invite

The cake!!!

Hot chocolate yummy!!!!

We even melted white chocolate and rimmed the hot chocolate glasses with sprinkles!

Finished dining room!

                                                    The birthday girl's official spot!!

The finished living room!  Complete with a strand of all 52 weekly pictures hung on snowflakes :)

Snowman station :) 

How cute are these cookies?!!!  And they weren't that tough to make either.

Snowmen donuts :)

Gift area :)

And I will leave you all with this video that Tina took of all of the decor:

Looking back at all of the footage of Addy's party makes me smile.  What a great day that was.  Lots of work, yes, but I have Tina, Mike, and Jay to thank for a lot of it.  We may or may not have been up past midnight the night before the party getting it all together.  Thank you all soooooooo much for all of your help!!   Especially Tina.  She came to NC a week early to help me get everything in order.  Without her, the party definitely would not have been as awesome as it was :)  I have the best sister, and Addy has the best aunt ever!!!!!! 

Next post will be pics and videos of the party in full swing!