We traveled up to PA for Easter, and Addy and I ended up being there for over a week, during which we saw both Mike's and my family. It was really great to be able to see everyone, but now it's also really great to be home. It's stressful traveling with a small child, making sure you have everything you need for over a week's time, and then hauling it all over the place to visit everyone. Like I said, I love visiting our families, but it's exhausting, and it always feels nice and relaxing to get home.
Addy and I flew up to PA early and started our trip with my family on the eastern side of PA.
Easter basket time at Grandma D's house:
Addy was (as always) not a fan of wearing a headband.
But we managed to get a few smiles in that headband later in the week.
Addy loved that yellow stick for the play xylophone and carried it around everywhere.
Next up was Grandpa and Grandma Hertzler's house. My stepsister's bridal shower was that weekend, so Tina and I went there while Dad and my grandpa watched Addy for the afternoon.
Addy's Easter "basket" was a sand bucket, which she loved! She enjoyed spending her time collecting magnets off of Grandma and Grandpa's fridge and putting them in her bucket. We may or may not have accidentally pilfered some of those magnets and discovered them later at Aunt Tina's house. Tina promised to return them to their rightful owner, so hopefully she did her job ;)
Addy got lots of goodies in that bucket, but the book was one of her favorites.
After our time in Allentown, Addy and I headed off to Philly to spend a few days with Aunt Tina and Uncle Jay. I don't have any pictures from that time, because I was practicing with Tina's camera all week, so I didn't really take any photos on mine. We spent a lot of time at the park with Addy that week, and she loved it! Tina put some of the pictures I took on her blog, so you can check them out by clicking the links below.
After out time in Philly, Addy and I headed west to Hollidaysburg, and Mike met us there. I took lots and lots of pictures of Addy and Luca that weekend! Now don't be expecting "Tina" quality photos here, but I tried, and a lot of them are not too bad if I do say so myself ;) Get ready to be bombarded with toddler pictures!....
Off to the park
Lauren and Luca
How cute is he on that little swing?
Addy's trying out the sliding board
Tried to get a pic of all four of them looking at the camera, but that proved to be impossible ;) This was as close as I could get.
Ha ha! Caught Addy mid-sneeze!
I'm sure our cautious girl is thinking, "Are you guys sure this is safe??"
A book in one hand and about to play the piano with the other. This little girl is in heaven!
Reading with Grandma Hetrick

Playing in the backyard :)
Just a little fish face :)
Love that smile!
Daddy and Addy :)
Again, looking oh so thrilled to be wearing a headband. She kept it on for those 0.2 seconds that it took me to snap this photo, and then promptly ripped it off.
During this trip we discovered that Addy loves drinking from a straw, and she does it like a champ!
I loved Luca's Easter outfit!!!!
There's our little Easter princess...all poised for her photo op ;) Love it!!!!
Ready to get on that swing. Hair blowing in the wind, grass stain on the stockings :)
Little man had an outfit change...
...and so did the little lady.
Mommy/daughter matching Easter socks :) Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Hertzler!
Time for an Easter egg hunt!
Chocolate marshmellow peeps....yum!!!
Addy better watch out or Daisy is gonna steal her dollar! I have a feeling Addy is on the hunt for more Peeps ;)
"This is MY cookie, Daisy!"
Getting sleepy. It's almost time to pack up and head home to NC.
So that was our Easter trip to PA :) We had an awesome time, and although we are all glad to be home, we are sad that it'll be a few months until we see everyone again. Thank goodness for Skype!
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