Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October Self Portrait

October is one of my favorite months (tied with May), and this year October brought some great news to the Hetricks... We sold our house!!!!

We closed on Halloween, and what a great feeling knowing that one of the largest hurdles in this interstate move is behind us.  Owning a home in one state, while living 7 hours away in another is NOT a good time.  It was just always in the backs of our minds, and we were constantly praying that nothing major would go wrong while we were gone before we sold it.  We had the hot tub issue that I wrote about before, but other than that, we managed to come through fairly unscathed.  Closing has come and gone, and now onto the next (much more fun) hurdle of buying a new house!

Mike and I headed down to NC for the last time a few days before closing in order to move everything out of the house and say our goodbyes to it.

While it was a great feeling watching our Realtor put that "SOLD" sign in our front yard, Mike and I both had mixed emotions to say the least.  We didn't get nearly what we hoped to get from the sale, which was a financial blow, but more importantly, seeing that sold sign in our front yard made this whole move finally seem real.  It felt like we were just on an extended vacation until then.  We came back to NC (what seemed like) all of the time to check on this or that.  Our house was still ours, with the bones of our belongings still in it.

 Watching the movers take everything out and crying as I was vacuuming our empty, echoing house brought out the flood of emotions that have been pushed aside for so long.  This was really it.  We were actually leaving....for good.  Closing this chapter of our lives.  That house on Clear Brook Drive was our first home, and it holds so many wonderful memories for me.  But memories don't stay with the house, they live in your heart.  I know that this is true.  Even being back in the house, without our girls it just didn't feel right.  It was too quiet, almost eerily so.  And once it was empty, I just wanted to leave.  It didn't feel like it was ours anymore.  So as I was walking out of the house for the last time I glanced at the "house" plant and jotted down a quick note to the owners explaining to them the significance of that plant that has been with the house though many owners.  I hope that they keep it, and I hope they love the house as much as we did.

Walking out of our garage and getting into our car, Mike and I were both fighting back tears.  It was a sad day, but this is a happy time in our lives.  "A house is made of brick and stone.  A home is made of love alone."  Our home is where our family is, both immediate and extended.  We are so excited to begin the next chapter of our lives in our good old home state of Pennsylvania!

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