Onto Addy's first birthday party! All of the pics are courtesy of my awesome sister Tina, of course :)
I've decided to split this post into two parts since I have so many pics that I want to post. This part will be dedicated to the party decor, and the next post will show the party itself :)
I feel the need to tell you in advance that I do realize I went overboard with this party, but #1, pinterest has so many darn good ideas that I wanted to use, and #2, I had a lot of fun doing it!
Be prepared to be bombarded with pictures....here we go!
Chalkboard sign on the front door
The lollypops had little stickers that said Thank You, and I used them as decor/party favors.
The frame had a picture from the day she was born in the middle, and then a pic from each month of her life around the outside. Of course, being the procrastinator that I am, I finished that frame the morning of the party. Shhh, don't tell ;)
Outside decor, courtesy of Mike and Jay. Thanks guys!
Framed birthday invite
The cake!!!
Hot chocolate station.....so yummy!!!!
We even melted white chocolate and rimmed the hot chocolate glasses with sprinkles!
Finished dining room!
The finished living room! Complete with a strand of all 52 weekly pictures hung on snowflakes :)

Snowman station :)
How cute are these cookies?!!! And they weren't that tough to make either.
Snowmen donuts :)
Gift area :)
And I will leave you all with this video that Tina took of all of the decor:
Looking back at all of the footage of Addy's party makes me smile. What a great day that was. Lots of work, yes, but I have Tina, Mike, and Jay to thank for a lot of it. We may or may not have been up past midnight the night before the party getting it all together. Thank you all soooooooo much for all of your help!! Especially Tina. She came to NC a week early to help me get everything in order. Without her, the party definitely would not have been as awesome as it was :) I have the best sister, and Addy has the best aunt ever!!!!!!
Next post will be pics and videos of the party in full swing!
I want to do it all over again! So fun:) Anything for Miss Marie:)