I bought the cutest Fourth of July dresses for them at a local festival, so I thought I'd snap a few quick IPhone pics of them that morning. Easy, right? WRONG! Here are some outtakes:
I managed to get one good one of each of them individually, so I settled for that:
I borrowed one of Tina's camera's for a few days, and I did manage to get some cute shots. (Be prepared for photo overload):
Grandpa and Addy playing Chinese Checkers
Grandma and Emmy cheering them on :)
The festive dessert that I made
Bubbles on the ATV (or AVT as Addy calls it)
Again, the combined pics weren't working. They relented and held hands, but they weren't going to smile about it.
Got some really cute ones of the girls with Paul and Debbie:
Love this one of Addy:
And this one of Emma:

I love this pic of Mike and Debbie :)
Sweet Emma :)
Yup those crazy dogs were there too :)
Emma's preferred way of playing with a squirt gun? Straight up drinking out of it.

As always, we had to attempt a family photo. This is the best we could get :)
What an awesome weekend at the cabin! I had a great time snapping away the whole time with the fancy camera :) Now we're back to Iphone photos:
All three of my girls were exhausted after a long day...
...but not too tired to stay up until almost 11PM "spying" on us from the loft. Notice that little face peering through the railings up there :)
And that ends our photo montage of the Fourth of July cabin trip!
On Sunday my mom's side of the family came over to our house for a cookout. Yup, the girls wore the same outfits. In hopes of cute pics. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I hold out hope that one of these days they'll surprise me and just SMILE!
I love this one of Grandma and Grandpa with the girls:
And one last family photo to round out the post:
I can't say enough about how much fun we had that weekend! Times like these are so precious :)
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