Monday, August 8, 2011

27 Weeks and A Girls Getaway

This week Mike took Addy's pics because I was .........(nope, not working) ON VACATION!! 

Two of my friends and I went to Nags head on the Outer Banks for 4 days and it was wonderful!  And since two of the three of us have young babies, we joked that it was one big pump party.  TMI?  Sorry.  Anywho, we had such a blast, just us girls.  It's been a long time since we've done that, and it was such a nice relaxing getaway.  The weather wasn't the greatest, but we were able to lay on the beach (albeit without sun for the most part) and chat, so we were all good with that.

Mike was so nice to take off of work for me to go so that he could stay home and take care of Addy.  I am one lucky lady :)  So it was Daddy and Addy mania, and they had so much fun!  I missed them both like crazy, but Mike was great and sent me text pictures and videos while I was gone.  I seriously felt like she looked different when I got back.  In less than four days of being gone?  No joke, she changed.  Crazy how babies do that.

Onto the pics...

And, check it out!  Our first weekly pic of Addy sitting up!....

Yay!  But what on earth is that thing in the lower left corner?  A finger...a leg?  Honestly, I have no idea.  Kinda creeps me out.

So there you have it.  Week 27 was my longest time away from my baby to date: Thursday - Sunday.  Had a great time with my gals, but I'm so glad to be back home with my family!

Happy Monday ... and a BIG Happy 32nd Birthday to the greatest husband a girl could ever dream of!  Love you Michael!


  1. Hahah I think it's his foot (with a sock on) - yay for Addy sitting up!

  2. Mike and I were hysterical last night about that mystery item in the last picture. Tina, you are right; Mike's foot with a sock on it...but he didn't know what it was at first either, which was even funnier!
